Brian K. Vagnini- Writer

Closeup picture of a computer keyboard


The Ash Family Saga

Book 1 of the Ash Family Saga is "The Family Business".
Book 2 (released the following year) is called "The Trials of Elijah Marcus Ash".
Book 3 (still in the editing stages) is called "Scarlet".
Book 4 (just finished first draft) is currently untitled.

Cover of The Family Business book, book 1 Cover of The Trials of Elijah Marcus Ash book, book 2 Cover of Scarlet, book 3


My first serious blogging came about when I contributed to, followed by (UPDATE: as of 072415, is gone).

Somewhere in there, I wrote (on a lark, really) a short selection of Haiku poems. It's called "30 days of IT Haiku".

Technical Writing

"The Modern Website" (on hold)

"30 days of IT Haiku"


I have participated 9 times (won 4 - quit 5) in Nanowrimo, twice in Blog Action Day and once for ScriptFrenzy.

nanowrimo participant 2007 nanowrimo winner 2008 Blog Action Day participant 2008 nanowrimo winner 2009 nanowrimo winner 2011 ScriptFrenzy participant 2010 nanowrimo winner 2017

Future Plans